Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Addiction? Love? PART3

Part 3 : His Move

She entered his house and many clothes were laying everywhere. Something she expected from a bachelor. Yet, what caught her eyes are the number of religious statues and pictures in the hall. Is he that pious? She excused herself to got to the washroom, that is when she crossed the prayer alter, it is a huge alter with all the god and goddess you would find in a general Indian house.
Her illusionary overthinking cap came on, the conclusion was simple; this was his family's house before they moved to another district so he has the house to himself. 
Walking back to the hall, he stood before her shirtless and looking out the window. It was a common sight to her.
She is born with many males in her house so a shirtless man wasn't a big deal to her.
Suddenly, he asked her without looking at her "Shall I open and show you?"
What the hell is he talking about? "she asked "Open what?" he placed his hands on his pants and grinned at her. "Seriously, stop fooling around, Thil"
He pushed open the door next to him. She released a huge sigh and smiled, thought to herself; that was a good one. The room looked dark cooling. He gestured her to have a look inside. She took a few steps and saw a huge cozy sofa in it, then there was a huge television. In her heart, OMG! there is no reason to go to the movie if I had this every day. She obviously, didn't show him the amazement.

Positioning herself on the sofa and placing her legs on the leg rest she felt so relaxed. He then turned on the asked her what she wished to watch. She said any song clips will do, he passed the remote controller to her and excused himself to take a shower.
Her eyes started exploring every part of the room, it was sound proved, and it's done very creatively. The lighting was a good choice as well. May not be of her choice but it works well.
A few minutes later, he was back with a towel in his hand wiping his face, he had another towel wrapped around his waist, she noticed water was still dripping from his hair as he sat next to her.
"Your hair is soaking wet?"  She took the towel from his hand told him to come closer, started drying his hair. He did as she said without second thoughts.
Why am I doing this? how come he is letting me do this? we are still stranger, aren't we? the flow of thoughts crossed her mind. She ignored it and completed her task. Once done, he picked up the remote and changed the channel to some local songs.
She didn't mind it at all because she knew his choices are good and similar to hers. Some local romantic songs started playing, she was new to it, yet she seemed to like it. He layback stared at the screen for a few minutes, they both said nothing.
A scene of a similar situation came on, the only difference was the guy had his hand over the girl's shoulder. She sighed lightly, as if he understood immediately, his hands stretched out behind her. She was looking forward to it, she moved closer to him and placed her head on the front of his right shoulder; he embraced her.
Being fresh out of shower his body was cold and she was hot, it felt perfect. Both their heart beat faster than normal but she could hear his heart beating faster every minute, to ease him she hugged him like a pillow and he pulled her tighter. She closed her eyes to sense the feeling completely. They remained that way for a few minutes and continued watching the videos and commenting about it.
"Hey, I think we should get going if we want to come back early," she said.
Yet, neither moved from the position they were in for a few more minutes. Then she slowly moved away and he went to get dressed. She watched him as he walked out the door and smiled to herself. How am I attracted to a guy like him? he is shorter than, me smaller too, definitely not the type she would choose to be with. What is it about him that makes me smile? something to ponder upon later.
She switched off everything in the room as he was getting dressed. She walked out to see him deciding which t-shirt to wear. She just stood and watched to see if he chooses the one that she likes without telling him which it was. He did and turn to see her smiling, he asked her what she was smiling at. She said nothing and turned and walked away.

Addiction? Love? PART2

Part 2: Coffee?

Sun directly on her face, she opens her eyes. Recalling where she was and what had happened yesterday made her smile in bed. She then rolled across the bed to unplug her phone from the charger. 
T Good Morning
V Just a few minutes left to noon o:) I just opened my eyes.
T Yes, me too.
V I had fun last night, thank you.
T Is it? thank you too.
V I take it you didn't make it to work ? I told u this would happen.
T Ha! Ha! I didn't. Yes, u warned me. No regrets here.
V Do you still have to go in today? why don't u just call in 
sick. ):D
T And do what?
That moment she thought. Should I follow my heart and take risks or follow my head and step away for a few days.
V I missed the beach and we already went there. Now, I miss
the highlands?
T It's been long since I went there too.
V Let's go then.
T What time do you want to go today?
V Let's leave around 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. we can beat the traffic.
T Is it ok to leave a little later? after 5 p.m.
V Well you're the one driving so it's up to you.
T See you after 5 then.
She set her phone down and the excitement started growing in her. As the mountains are her favorite place to be at, in comparison to the beach, lake or anything else. Though she has been there many times before, this particular time seems to overwhelm her. She went about her routine of grocery shopping and cooking as always. The thought of going to the highlands made her smile more often then she realized. She wondered if he was as excited as she was? or was he just doing it for her? either way, she was happy to be able to experience a ride to the mountains in a Ford Ranger. 
Around 6 p.m. the truck appeared in front of her house.
She got in and said hi, he replied "Damn! you smell good." almost immediately she blushed "Bright Crystal- Versace," she said.
He tapped on the navigation system. It showed nearly three-hour journey, in reality, it only took 1.5hrs at normal speed.
"That's too long." she pouted.
"This is why I said we should leave early," she said as she looked at him, only to realize he was actually from work. He came straight from work.
"Wait, you went to work?"
He just nodded with a cheeky smile on his face.
She went silent for a few minutes then "I feel bad for making you do this, you must be exhausted." she said regretfully.
"Vi, don't do that to yourself, I have always been a person who likes to work, I squeeze in work as much as I can" she didn't know what to say to that.
Reality kicked in when she saw the navigation system, he is going to drive for 3 hours to a place that's just an hour away.
This is too much to ask of him, she told herself.
"Hey, I have a suggestion but I need you to be open-minded about it and I hope you see the actual point," he said.
She turned to him and nodded.
"Is it okay, if we hang out elsewhere and leave once the traffic subsides?" he asked without looking at her face.
She only took a few seconds before replying "I have a better idea, you do live alone, don't you?"
"Yes..." he was taken by surprise and it was apparent in his voice.
"Let's go to your house, you can freshen up first." she avoided looking at him, at the back of her mind she knew there was a good chance he could misunderstand the whole thing.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked.
"Yes, I trust in myself as much as I trust in your mum's upbringing of you, you have proved to be a well-mannered man thus far," she said.
They were at the traffic lights, he looks directly in her eyes and said "Those words, they come with a huge responsibility. You're tying up my hands." he sounded serious.
"That's the whole point" she gave him a grin.
"You know I can remain a well-mannered man and still change everything with just a phone call" though that was supposed to give her high alerts, she remained calm and smiled at him
"I don't doubt it at all, Thil. You are capable of many things but in my heart, I feel you know how to respect a woman." she mentioned.
"That's just as smart as the earlier statement, reverse psychology in play," he replied.
She had no doubt he was an intelligent man. Exactly what a sapiosexual needs.
They went for coffee first, she walked into the shop alone as he said he wanted to get something from another shop nearby. She hated walking into an Indian restaurant alone as people always stare at her. She is a rather tall and big woman, it attracts people to look at her. She sat at a table ignoring the prying eyes of people. A few minutes later he came with some Chinese cakes. He looked calm, not like the other man she went out with, most of her past dates have been anxious being around her in public.  He ordered his drink and started eating his cakes, it amused her to see him eat. He was like a kid with ice cream. He offered her but she declined as she knew he loved what he was eating and she wanted him to have it all. He then asked, don't you like to share food? she said no and to prove it she took what was in his hand and ate it. He was kind of surprised by it but just smiled at her.

We Already Know

This is something I wrote when just hit 30. Its been 7 years since...

Why is it such a big sin to be single by the time you turn 30. Especially if your a female. Being in the 20th century, women are well aware of the common reasons.

Matters we already know but people still insist in reminding us...
>Our biological clock is ticking.
>High possibility of pregnancy complications .
>Parents expectation to see us married.
>Difficult to find a partner.
>We will end up alone.

Matters people fail to consider about us before approaching us...
>We would like our own family too
>We are already worried of our biological status
>We do not want to rush and marry any Tom, Dick or Harry.
>We want to be really ready to marry. (security)
>We always think of our parents too.
>Personally I would not 'want to' take loan and marry, just because I'm getting older.

When a woman talk about her worries about not being married yet, she will be rated as desperate or choosy. Not all of us choose to be single by 30. Some of us are just not married yet

When this happens we are seen with many different perception. I tend to all the questions of my relations and friends before with a long explanation. Nowadays, I find it easier to just say I am concentrating on things I have control on, like my career. Then again I am not saying no to anything or anyone

Guess this is why many woman are said careerist, nowadays. I do not understand, why is as the major party in 'lost', we can accept still being single but others can not. Do they envy our freedom?
Are they enjoying married life so much that they do not want us to miss it? Personally I have asked my friends and cousins these two questions. They do not say yes to either instead they just say it is a part of life that everyone must go trough??? Hmmm...

(Apr 2012)

Addiction? Love? PART 1

Part 1 : Her Spontaneous Act

Packing up for the day and counting the minutes to the end, she was already excited about the weekend. She had the whole week off, what to do? where to go? these questions kept running in her mind. Being a spontaneous person she did not make any plans ahead of the week. she believed the best moments are the unplanned ones. Clocking out from work and wishing everyone happy holidays, her phone chimes. A text from a man she has been chatting to a few days now. She didn't take him seriously at all.
Text from him 

T       Hi
She replied

V      Hi to you too.
Like any other regular person
T      How are you?
She decided not to be fake
V     tired.
T     After work?
She being her
V     Yes, tell me do you know any 24 hours decent massage places?
She knew this could go both ways a decent reply or an opportunist who will seek a way in or show himself.
He chooses to reply decently, that is a good sign she thought to herself. She continued to test him and take the risk. She told him she was going to go to the beach despite it was 20 minutes to midnight. It was an indirect invitation and he took the bait.
He told her he wanted to join her. She then said, maybe it's a bad idea as they have never met before. He immediately asked her if she was scared, she laughed and said no and to prove it she shared her location and asked him to come.
A few minutes past midnight he was in front of her house. He came in a white Ford Ranger.
Her first thoughts were OMG! I need to get in a truck... As she settled in the truck, he greeted her with a smile and a question.
"Which is the best route to the beach?" she only knew one so she told him to use the navigation system. They started talking about the job and the countries system. He was an opinionated person. He argued with valid points. It was pretty exciting for her.
Then came a character judging topic of how crazy she was to go to the beach at this hour. She was a daring woman and she always felt there is always more to life if you can omit fear. However, she told him she is daring but she isn't reckless, to that he just smiled. He then asked her about her family and what do they think about going out so late. He was referring to regular Asian families. 
"My family trusts me well enough and I have been doing this for a long time now. They have gotten used to my ways now," she said.

A few seconds of silence out of nowhere the topic changed from her to the general woman out there.
"Nowadays women are too hard-headed, they try to control everything, they make their husbands do all the household chores."
She was puzzled and questioned him "Is that wrong?"
"Yes, I grew up in a house where men don't get involved with house chores," he said sternly.
He continued ranting but she paced out. Where was all this coming from she asked herself? She agreed with him men or women shan't be forced to do anything.
She remained silent. In her mind, she concluded, this must be some effect of his past relationship.
"I do not believe in forcing my man to do anything, I have full confidence that if he loves me he will make sure I'm taken cared of, therefore, I don't have to tell him to do anything"

She used her mum as an example and explained "Woman should voice what they feel and let the man help her rather than designating chores for him. A man can choose to do it or find a way to make it lighter for his love one. No one should be forced to do anything."
Those words seemed to calm him down and he said with full assurance "A man will make sure the loved one is taken cared off"
They both remained silent for a few minutes.

Right then, she chose a lighter topic; music, this topic went on till they reached the beach area. Before they went on to the beach, they bought some drinks and snacks.

Instead of going to the open area she always goes, he drove to a private place where there wasn't anyone but a few street lights and the sound of the sea caressing the beach now and then. He teased her few times saying
"I can do anything here and no one will know."
For some reason it didn't trigger any kind of fear in her, to her he seemed harmless for an unknown reason. She just smiled as he said it. Getting out from the truck her head warned her to be cautious but her heart was loving the thrill. 
She spread the mat on the beach and placed the food in between both of them, was is a cautious move or it just happened? Even she didn't have an answer, yet it was beneficial to her to evaluate his character.

They spent the night on the beach talking about each other and learning of each other's interest as boring as it may seem to others, they both didn't mind it or at least that's what she thought. He seems to be enjoying this just the way she was. Yet, at the back of her mind, she was overthinking every move he made. Being a man he had his naughty moments now and then, saying something to see her reaction.
Mostly she just smiles and said, "Anything I say to this may throw me under the bus". At one point he asks if she could sing, she denied but she gave him a smirk that meant otherwise.

He was sharp enough to catch that smile and he said I don't believe you. She then threw the question back to him, he didn't reply but started singing. It was one of her favorite songs. It was a duet song he stopped exactly where a woman's vocal should start hoping she would start.
As much she had the urge to continue she turned to him and smiled, a smile that told him 'I know what you're up to'.
"You're a smart one," he said.
"I'm still not convinced that you don't sing at all, you must have sung in the bathroom at least once."
He started another song; being born in a similar era his song choices were her favorites too. This time she sang along and lowered his voice to listen to hers. She realized but she didn't want to look at him or else he would figure out she was blushing. They sang a few duets then she suggested they leave the beach and go home. The journey home was faster, he was a fast driver.
He caught her staring at him driving a few times when he asked she said:
"Nothing, I was looking out your window."
She admired a man who can handle his car well especially when speeding. It was an attraction point she kept to herself. 
Dropping her off at her house, she expected him to drive away but he got out of his truck and lingered in front her house had a smoke and then left only cause she forced him to.
After calling him to check if he reached home, she went to bed smiling.