Tuesday, September 6, 2011


If getting into a relationship can make you fly high. Getting out of one will slam you on to the bottom rock. No one will deny this fact. Unless you were never serious about it in the first place. There is no easy way to break off. No matter, who is calling for the break off, you or your partner.
Normally, either one will start seeing the path to the future clearly and he or she will be the one to call for a break off. This will be hard for the other party who is still enjoying their cloud 9. I have personally been the one with the clouded mind. I always asked, how come its so easy for him to ask for a break off after all the time we have had spent together? I have asked him why is he hurting me like this? How did his heart turned to be such an evil one? How did he turned to be so cold? I even promised never to forgive him.
Recent event made me realize that I have always failed to really see how difficult it must have been for him. He saw what I see now much earlier and decided to call it off to save both of us from long and hard misery. Calling for a break off would have hurt more than getting hurt because he has already seen how hurt I will be when he asks for a break off... this event would have played many times in his mind even before it actually happens. Every time he thinks and pictures it he would have felt as hurt as I do now.
When the actual event happens, it doesn't end there. He being the one to call the break off, will always blame himself till some kind of good event happens in my life again. Accepting the fact that I have moved on, may hurt him as well. (because it also means I have forgotten him or completely left him). If I don't go on with my life and I stay in the misery it will equally hurt him too. (she is miserable because of me)
My point here is there is no easy way to go through a break off for either party.
Why we have to go trough break offs? Well this I believe is a lesson of life. We wouldn't appreciate the future if the past hasn't tested us. Just like we won't appreciate our on car if we haven't suffered taking the public transports. It is never going to be easy and all of us have to go through it some time in our life just like having a growing up. Stop asking WHY ME AND ASK WHATS NEXT?.