Wednesday, August 14, 2019

We Already Know

This is something I wrote when just hit 30. Its been 7 years since...

Why is it such a big sin to be single by the time you turn 30. Especially if your a female. Being in the 20th century, women are well aware of the common reasons.

Matters we already know but people still insist in reminding us...
>Our biological clock is ticking.
>High possibility of pregnancy complications .
>Parents expectation to see us married.
>Difficult to find a partner.
>We will end up alone.

Matters people fail to consider about us before approaching us...
>We would like our own family too
>We are already worried of our biological status
>We do not want to rush and marry any Tom, Dick or Harry.
>We want to be really ready to marry. (security)
>We always think of our parents too.
>Personally I would not 'want to' take loan and marry, just because I'm getting older.

When a woman talk about her worries about not being married yet, she will be rated as desperate or choosy. Not all of us choose to be single by 30. Some of us are just not married yet

When this happens we are seen with many different perception. I tend to all the questions of my relations and friends before with a long explanation. Nowadays, I find it easier to just say I am concentrating on things I have control on, like my career. Then again I am not saying no to anything or anyone

Guess this is why many woman are said careerist, nowadays. I do not understand, why is as the major party in 'lost', we can accept still being single but others can not. Do they envy our freedom?
Are they enjoying married life so much that they do not want us to miss it? Personally I have asked my friends and cousins these two questions. They do not say yes to either instead they just say it is a part of life that everyone must go trough??? Hmmm...

(Apr 2012)

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