Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Effects of David Garrett's Music on me... (part 2)

     Here is a story, actually a reality that is happening now to me. It so happen to be that I started my much needed work on my health on the 25th of August (at 152kgs). As many of us know going on diet can be rather stressful especially when your are all alone in it. Confession: I did it last year July and was able to last two weeks only. This time around the only difference I had was David Garret's music in my ears and head every now and then. When I listen to his music I get goose bumps. (is that weird?)
I am able to escape the thoughts, worries and problems that are constantly in my head. His music is able to allow me to express my bottled up feelings without actually expressing. (Hope that made sense.) 

     Being the breadwinner of the family, I have had my fair share of making decision and putting up with another form of stress. Here surprisingly David's words comes in handy. Words he said in another context but played its role well in mine. For instance, when he was asked, how could he cope with the stress of the shows and album recordings, he simply said, it comes down to how you actually take things, if something goes wrong; turn the situation into an opportunity instead of a problem. Learn from it.(not his exact words but the gist of it)
True enough I have learnt from a fall out I had recently and I see thing positively. The best of all I went through the whole dramatizing scene very calmly. I took my time to think of my actions before acting out. Something I could never do before.

     In another situation, he inspired me to challenge myself and test my limits. The matter may be simple but for 12 years I did not do it and today I'm proud to say I have conquered 6 laps of my pool and moving one lap higher every week, I was also able to walk 6 km in 35 minutes. I started venturing into unfamiliar grounds all by myself. Places I never saw myself at, doing things I never did. Well I am glad I watched his interviews keenly.
(I wake up every morning and challenge myself- David Garrett) Well I have to admit I do not know who David Garrett is in real live but his music speaks for him and his words knowing or unknowingly helps me. Thus, a huge thanks is in order. THANKS DAVID GARRETT. 

      By the way, I proud to announce I lost 7 kgs in less than a month (traditional way; eat right and exercise only) and I am not giving up anytime soon. I may not know David Garret personally but my gratefulness travels miles to him. Thank you for inspiring me. I am pretty sure you inspire many out there too.
Inspiration comes in many forms, who would have thought it would take a creative maestro-violinist to inspire me to change my lifestyle into a healthier one. 

I shall keep you guys posted on what happens... Again Thank you David Garrett.

My Personal Thanks to you... THANK YOU
P.s; I do not own any of the pictures ;)

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