We were suppose to write a 1000 word short story. The town is divided due to a families feud. An old maid comes back and stirs up a new trouble. Therefore my take on the subject matter is... (have fun reading)
Windsland’s Feud
always sit down at this porch watching the other side and thinking of him. I
can’t say I miss him but do miss the memories we had. I hate him for taking
away that happiness I had. The town of Windsland is now known as Upper Windsland
and Lower Windsland we have two of everything, two schools, two hospitals even
two cemeteries. Most the remains of people from Lower Windsland had been
shifted to the other side. People have taken sides according to the position of
their house. These rows of old oak trees mark my boundary today. No one from
this side of the town has seen the lake for 10 years now. Mother says she
remembers it as, heaven on earth with fresh smelling sandalwood and green grass
with dew drops. I still remember the day it happened; he looked at me in my eye
and rode off on the horse. I waited, days became weeks, weeks became months,
and he never tried to explain. I suppose desire over powers relationship.
The door bell rang very early in the
morning, no one wanted to get to it I ignored it twice by the third time I was
staring at her. I pinched myself, it is real she is here Nanny Su is back. I
hugged her so tight.
you going to invite me in?”
Come in Nan Su, Sorry. It’s just I missed you so much” I said as I ushered her
in. She took a seat at the dining table and made me stand in front of her. She
read me inch by inch and point out how I still haven’t learnt to tie my gown
ribbon. I just giggled and walk to the kitchen to make her some tea. She was
coughing I could make out she was sick.
have turned out to be a fine young woman Lily. Isn’t your mother home?” she
is at the church Nan Su she will be back by dinner.”
only spoke for an hour then she said she wanted to leave she needed to rest. I
closed the door after she left and thought to myself thankfully she didn’t talk
about him.
Lily is my...”
Su! Please take this blank cheque and leave soon, I do not wish to argue with
you, not after 10 years.” Papa sounded furious. Nanny Su just walked away.
that evening, I saw her amble around the church yard. I walk up to and asked
her what happened. She just held my hand whipped and said “I’m sorry Lily. I
tried to make it right but he is just too hard headed.” I hugged her to calm
her down. She felt heavier than before, she was unconscious her left hand and
legs were twisted. I shrieked for help. The farmer and the reverend carried
Nanny Su to the hospital. Fortunately it was walking distance.
doctor informed she has had a severe stroke. Her son brought her back home
after two days. I visited her few days later. I tried to ignore the haunting
feeling and walked closer to her. I touched her hand and she opened her eyes,
she instantly grabbed my hand and pointed to a box on the table. I walked over
and brought the box to her but she push it back to me and waved her hand as is
chasing a fly away. I comprehended that she wanted me to take it and leave.
I sat under the oak tree and opened the box;
there were many yellowish papers and envelopes. I pick one and recognize the
hand writing, it was Papa’s. These were love letters to Ms. S. Were they
lovers, was papa cheating on mum...
2 weeks I built my courage and went to Nan Su’s house again.
I could not believe my eyes. He was standing by Nan Su’s bed. He looked taller
than I remember as a matter of fact he was not how I remember him at all. He
looked up at me I could see the fire in his eyes.
your family done enough harm?” he barked at me.
Su was fine until she came here and met you people; you’re a bunch of killers.”
only word that came out of my mouth was “What?”
stormed out of the house and rode away. He still believes his mother was killed
because of us. He could see it was his action that killed his mother. He stole
from us he made all that happen. I rambled and walk back home. I, being there
any longer would have made things worse for any of us.
The next day, while breakfast time
Nan Su’s son brought dire news, doctor has said Nan Su is counting her minutes
already. I knew the right thing to do was to make sure she meets her lover
again. If it was me, I would want to die in the arms of my lover. I managed to
bring Papa to Nan Su’s house without mum.
Papa went close to her bed and held
her hand. She remained motionless. Papa let go and took two steps away from the
bed and looked at me. I looked at him and he seemed puzzled. I handed him the
box of letters and told him I know they were lover and I was most probably Nan
Su daughter.
don’t be ridiculous.” He shouted.
open the box.” He opened it and looked at me and looked at the letter again. He
sat on the chair next to the window. Out of the blue, Peter walk in but Papa
did not react the way I expected. Papa dropped the box and rested his head on
his hand.
are you doing here?” shouted Peter.
despise you Peter, you a cowered you do not belong here in Upper Winds...” I
raised my voice but Papa interrupted me.
it, this has gone too far. I realise need to come clean.” Papa said as he stood
of all, Lily you got it all wrong. Nanny Su is not Ms. S. Secondly Peter is
you mean Papa?”
you say, I am innocent”
and Yes. The whole robbery was my plot and Nanny Su helped me with it, more
like I forced her too. That is the reason she came back, she wanted to confess.”
Why Papa”
S was Peter’s mum Shirley, Lily you are hers; you are Nanny Su’s Niece. I had
to it you both were falling for each other. I had to...