Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Entering the IOI Mall, the first thing one will see is the huge carousel with white horses and brown bears moving up and down round and round. Even an adult will be attracted to it, must I say more about my 5 year old niece. How could one say no to a little girl with button eyes? Waiting in line to get the ticket I noticed many people around the carousel so I decided to do my assignment about them. I bought two tickets and sent her in. while she was waiting for it to move, I started.

 Just beside me there was a young gent in a dark green t-shirt and jeans. He had a feeding bottle a backpack and a tiny pacifier in his hand. Sounds like many men’s nightmare but his face was so bright, his eyes lit up and he had a wide smile. I looked in the direction of his view and saw a sweet looking lady in pants and blouse. She has dimples and a beautiful smile. She was holding her daughter. The baby must be around 7 months or so. She wore a peplum dress in green just like her mother. She had the feeding bottle’s cover in her right hand. A future drummer I suppose, I could hear the thumping through the loud London Bridge song. She was the happiest kid on the carousel. She made eye contact with her dad and thumped even harder accompanied by her leg moving up and down the back of the white horse. She let out a loud shriek. The mother struggled to hold her in place, her reaction made mum and dad both giggle. Well, even I giggled. As the ride ended the button eyes came asking for another. Remember the two tickets? 

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